If asked the passcode is BIZPRO These sessions are drop-in - you can stop by any time.
Tradication Office Hours provide a 90 minute session twice a month (days and times vary) where Paul will be available on Zoom for you to drop-in with a question. You can stop by any time during the Office Hours session, no need to pre-register or submit your question in advance.
Office Hours are a great chance for you to get your questions answered or receive feedback from Paul in a more informal and relaxed way at a time that suits you.
Can I just come, get an answer to my question and then leave? Or do I have to stay for the whole session?
These sessions are entirely designed to be drop-in sessions, rather than sessions you attend in their entirety whether or not you have your own question (our monthly Q&As are great for that!). You can stop by any time during the Office Hours window, and leave as soon as your question has been answered.
If multiple people drop in at the same time on the call, do we ask questions in front of each other/as a group?
Yes, and questions will be answered in the order that people arrive. Sometimes you may get lucky and have it just be you, but other times there will be other members there as well.
If there is a group of people will it still just be Paul answering my question or will others give their input too?
You’re welcome to ask other people on the call for their input too, but this isn’t designed as a group coaching or mastermind session.
Am I limited to asking one question during each office hours call?
It depends on how busy the session is. If lots of people are waiting we limit everyone to one question until everyone is answered to ensure it’s a fair process. If you’re happy to wait and there is still time in the session we can then answer further questions.
Can I come to multiple sessions throughout the month?
Absolutely! You can come to as many sessions as you would like throughout the month if you have something you need answering!
Will I be able to share my screen to receive feedback on something in particular about my website?
The format of these calls allows us to do that but there would be a limit to how long we can spend looking at your screen, out of fairness to other attendees.
Is there a time limit as to how long my feedback/answer from Paul will be?
We don’t set a stop watch, but we do need to be respectful of others waiting so most answers will probably be kept to 5-10 minutes depending on how busy the session is. If it happens to be just you at the time you drop-in, we can obviously be more flexible.
Will I be able to ask my question privately without other members knowing?
These aren’t designed to be private 1-1 sessions. While you may sometimes find yourself the only person on the call at the time you drop-in, we can’t guarantee that. These sessions are not recorded though and will not go into the Tradication archive, so only those present at the time of asking will know what is said. If you don’t want to give away trade secrets, you can choose to wait until everyone else has been answered.
How do office hours differ from the Q&A calls?
Our Q&As are a bit more formal and a great chance to connect with Paul and get my opinion on your questions. They are also ideal if you don’t necessarily have your own question, but would like to pick up some ideas, get inspiration from others questions, or simply hang out with everyone for an hour. Q&As are also recorded and added to the Tradication archive for future reference.Office Hours on the other hand are more informal and take place over Zoom with only Paul present. Office Hours are drop-in, drop-out in nature, and designed for you to stop by any time during the session window rather than attend the whole call. Simply turn up when you can, ask your question and get back to your day!